Cate’s Blog

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Only You Get To Pick What Defines You

Only You Get To Pick What Defines You

This week, we are talking about how is it that you give away your power from your Emotionally Fit Room.Let’s think about that for a moment. What are the ways in which we do give away our power emotionally? Part of that is that we all want to be accepted, we all want...

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Are You Ready To Stop Giving Away Your Power?

Are You Ready To Stop Giving Away Your Power?

As you know, I am always focusing on your Mentally, Emotionally, Physically, and Spiritually Fit Rooms thanks to a wonderful Indigenous friend, Cliff, who has helped me shape this beautiful format. With each 4 part series, I am trying to get us continually thinking...

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Have You Been Reinvesting In Your Spiritually Fit Room?

Have You Been Reinvesting In Your Spiritually Fit Room?

So here we are, we’ve now entered your fourth room, your Spiritually Fit Room, and as you know, our theme is about Reinvesting In YOU. I’m going to go into some uncharted territory and I’m going to talk about God. That’s right! It’s one of those things that we aren’t...

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Using Your Physically Fit Room To Raise Your Vibration

Using Your Physically Fit Room To Raise Your Vibration

So here we are in Week 3 of our Reinvest In YOU series. I am so excited to share with you some great strategies that are going to help you to level up your physical body.As you know, in my book, The Powerhouse In You, as well as my presentations, my keynotes, and my...

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How Will You Raise Your Vibration?

How Will You Raise Your Vibration?

So here we are into Week 2 of Reinvest In You. The purpose of this 4 part series is to help you: Uplift your energy Up-level your confidence Up-level just how you see the world This is so very important because we know through science that everything is energy (I...

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How Is Your Body Reacting To Being In Survival Mode?

How Is Your Body Reacting To Being In Survival Mode?

The last 18 months have been traumatic for everyone in one way or another. As a result of this trauma, we are all having certain responses. I welcome you to imagine yourself walking into your Physically Fit Room then take that 10-second pause and ask yourself how has all of this trauma that’s around you, impacted you?

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