Cate’s Blog

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Here you’ll find my thoughts, videos and discussions. Please reach out or sign up for the mailing list if you want to learn more!

International Women’s Day 2022 – Who Inspires You?

International Women’s Day 2022 – Who Inspires You?

In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8th I wanted to acknowledge the many women who have made or still do make a meaningful contribution in my life. I believe we are stronger, more confident, own our power more, and will grow and become the amazing women we...

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What Do YOU Need To Do To Help Your Heart Be Healthier?

What Do YOU Need To Do To Help Your Heart Be Healthier?

This week, in our Happy Heart Series, we are now entering into your Physically Fit Room. As we do that, some of the questions that you want to ask yourself are, “ What is it that you need to do to help your heart be healthier and happier? Think about one thing that...

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What Do You Need To Let Go Of?

What Do You Need To Let Go Of?

This week, to continue with our happy heart series, we've now entered into your Emotionally Fit Room. Now, as you enter into your Emotionally Fit Room, you have to ask yourself, “What is it that I need to let go of in order for my heart to be happy?” What thought,...

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What Would You Choose?

What Would You Choose?

In this next 4 part series, we are going to be talking about Heart Happiness. You will be venturing into each of your four rooms: your mentally, your emotionally, your physically, and of course your spiritually fit rooms. The focus is really going to be around your...

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Learn How To Protect Your Peace At Its Foundation

It’s time to Protect Your Peace and you are now entering into your Spiritually Fit Room. Don’t you find that so many of us are spiritually malnourished? There is a reason why this room is the foundation of your Powerhouse. It is because this is where you are feeding...

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Two Ways You Can Use Your Body To Protect Your Peace

Two Ways You Can Use Your Body To Protect Your Peace

It’s hard to believe we are already on Week 3 of Protect Your Peace. Now it’s time to enter your Physically Fit Room. You know that in order to have that peaceful sense of your body, that peaceful sense of your mind, you need to release the stress in your life. You...

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When’s The Last Time You Learned A Lesson From Bees?

When’s The Last Time You Learned A Lesson From Bees?

Protect Your Peace. That’s our theme for these next few weeks. Here we are in room #2, your Emotionally Fit Room, which is, of course, coming from my book The Powerhouse in You. My invitation to you is to look around your Emotionally Fit Room and ask yourself "Where...

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Protect Your Peace By Changing Your Thoughts

Protect Your Peace By Changing Your Thoughts

Our next 4 part series is called Protect Your Peace. Over the next four weeks, I invite you to think about how you can Protect Your Peace. Now it’s time for you to enter your first room, your Mentally Fit Room. Take a look around. What’s happening with the committee...

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Start Saying No Instead Of Giving In To Yes

Start Saying No Instead Of Giving In To Yes

Here we are in the fourth week of Create And Live A Life You Love. Now you’ve entered into your Spiritually Fit Room and there is a reason why we save this room for last. Your spirit is your foundation. It is the core of who you are and the purpose of why you are...

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