Cate’s Blog

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Here you’ll find my thoughts, videos and discussions. Please reach out or sign up for the mailing list if you want to learn more!

Have You Been Asking For Help Lately?

Have You Been Asking For Help Lately?

Have you been asking for help lately? That’s the theme for the fourth and final week of Mental Health Month. We know that: Right now retention is a serious issue The Mental Health crisis continues to escalate Burnout is the norm right now I know from the clients I...

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Did You Know That Vulnerability Is A Strength?

Did You Know That Vulnerability Is A Strength?

In keeping with our Mental Health Month, we are going to be talking about The Power Of Vulnerability. Brene Brown did the most amazing TED Talk. In fact, it was the number one most viewed TED Talk in history. It is so powerful. What I want to zoom in on is...

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Are You Giving Away Your Power Without Even Realizing It?

Are You Giving Away Your Power Without Even Realizing It?

With Mental Health Week just a few more days away, my team is still putting together some great resources for you! Stay tuned as we will be bringing you some incredible tips on how you and your team can use your four rooms (Mentally Fit Room, Emotionally Fit Room,...

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Some Things Are Just Too Good To Not Say Twice

Some Things Are Just Too Good To Not Say Twice

With Mental Health Week on the horizon, my Powerful Journey team and I are hard at work creating all kinds of useful resources for you. We actually have so many great ideas that we are making Mental Health Week into Mental Health Month. Stay tuned as we will be...

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Has Your Spiritual Growth Been Stunted?

Has Your Spiritual Growth Been Stunted?

Here we are in the final of my four-part “Reclaim Your Power” series and we are now entering into your Spiritually Fit Room.In Chapter 18 of my book The Powerhouse In You: How to lead with greater resilience, courage, and confidence, I ask: 

Has your spiritual growth...

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Are You “Should-ing” On Yourself?

Are You “Should-ing” On Yourself?

To continue with the Reclaim Your Power series, today we are entering room # 2 from my book, The Powerhouse In You. This is your Emotionally Fit Room. I want you to ask yourself today, "How have I been feeling lately?" You see if inside you are feeling this tremendous...

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How Can You Reclaim And Own Your Power?

How Can You Reclaim And Own Your Power?

Reclaim Your Power is our next series. In this series, we’ll be looking at what you can do in your mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually fit rooms to Reclaim Your Power. Let's enter into your mentally fit room today where we will talk about where you give...

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What Makes Your Heart Sing?

What Makes Your Heart Sing?

This week, in our happy heart series, we are now entering into your Spiritually Fit Room. And as we delve further into this room, I want to ask you these two simple questions: What makes your heart sing? andWhat is something that brings complete and utter happiness,...

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