Cate’s Blog

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Here you’ll find my thoughts, videos and discussions. Please reach out or sign up for the mailing list if you want to learn more!

Do You Find Yourself In Survival Mode?

Do You Find Yourself In Survival Mode?

Do you find yourself in Survival Mode?If you answered yes, you are NOT alone!During this pandemic, the thinking part of our brain, the one that allows us to have emotional regulation, critical thinking, and the ability to problem-solve, switches off. Once that...

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What Is Your Spiritually Fit Room Trying To Tell You?

What Is Your Spiritually Fit Room Trying To Tell You?

So far we've taken time to stop and listen to what our Mentally Fit Room, our Emotionally Fit Room, and our Physically Fit Room are trying to tell us. Today, we are going to pause so we can listen to what our Spiritually Fit Room has to say.As you enter your...

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What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You?

What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You?

We know that our bodies have this amazing wisdom to know when something isn’t right. And just like a car whose check engine light comes on, our bodies give us signs too that tell us it’s time to pull over and check things out. The struggle is in recognizing those...

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Why Not Listen To Your Heart?

Why Not Listen To Your Heart?

Today we are walking into our Emotionally Fit Room, or as I like to call it “The Heart Space”. Now that we are in here, let’s pay attention. If you were to pay attention to what your heart is saying, what might it say?

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Are You Listening To What Your Mind Is Telling You?

Are You Listening To What Your Mind Is Telling You?

What if you paid attention to the feedback in your life? To something you think about? You see, most of us are on autopilot.  We're busy doing, rather than being. We're caught on that stress treadmill. As I've shared before, a wonderful indigenous friend of mine, Jean...

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How Do We Begin To Heal From This Unimaginable Tragedy?

How Do We Begin To Heal From This Unimaginable Tragedy?

In light of the ongoing Indigenous unmarked burial sites across Canada being discovered, where upwards of 1,300 children have been buried, I felt compelled to connect with you.I am sure, like me, your emotions are all over the place from rage, discomfort, sadness,...

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Are Unhealthy Spiritual Habits Robbing You Of Your Joy?

Are Unhealthy Spiritual Habits Robbing You Of Your Joy?

Life is so busy that we often forget to pay attention to the feedback we continually receive from those around us. By doing this, we are developing unhealthy habits that allow our spirit to be robbed of joy.If we aren't paying attention to what the "joy robbers" are...

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Are You Tired Of Feeling Burnt Out By The Weekend?

Are You Tired Of Feeling Burnt Out By The Weekend?

Many of my clients feel like they push themselves so hard during the workweek that they are fried by the time the weekend rolls around. Oftentimes, we turn to unhealthy physical habits to help us cope with these feelings of burnout. A couple of examples of these...

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Has Work / Life Blend Become Work / Life Blur?

Has Work / Life Blend Become Work / Life Blur?

Has work/life blend turned into work/life blur? When you are working, do you feel guilty because you aren’t with your family? When you are with your family, do you feel guilty because you aren’t working?

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